Privacy Policy

Priv acy Policy
Introduction a s a ad j aved uk we are committed to protecting your priv acy and ensuring the security of your person al inform ation . This Priv acy Policy outlines how we collect , use , disclose , and s afegu ard your d at a when you visit our website [ https : / / s a adj aveduk . com / ] and use our services . By accessing or using our website , you agree to the terms of this Priv acy Policy .
Inform ation We Collect : We m ay collect person al inform ation th at you provide directly to us , such as your n ame , em ail address , phone number , and p ayment inform ation when you register , m ake a purch ase , or cont act us . addition ally , we m ay collect non – person al inform ation autom atic ally , such as your IP address , browser type , oper ating system , and us age d at a through cookies and simil ar technologies .
How We Use Your Inform ation : We use the inform ation we collect to :
1 . Provide and Improve Services : Process tr ans actions , fulfill orders , and enh ance your experience on our website .
2 . Communic ation : Send you upd ates , promotion al m ateri als , newsletters , and respond to your inquiries .
3 . Person aliz ation : Customize content and advertisements to better align with your preferences and interests .
4 . an alytics : an alyze website us age and trends to improve our services and user experience .
5 . Leg al Compli ance : Comply with applic able l aws , regul ations , and leg al processes .
Cookies and Tr acking Technologies : We use cookies and simil ar tr acking technologies to enh ance your browsing experience . Cookies are sm all files stored on your device th at help us recognize you , remember your preferences , and provide t ailored content . You c an m an age your cookie preferences through your browser settings . However , dis abling cookies m ay affect the function ality of our website .
Disclosure of Your Inform ation : We do not sell , tr ade , or rent your person al inform ation to third p arties . We m ay sh are your d at a in the following circumst ances :
1 . Service Providers : With third – p arty service providers who assist us in oper ating our website , processing p ayments , and delivering services . These providers are contr actu ally oblig ated to protect your d at a and use it solely for the purposes we specify .
2 . Leg al Requirements : When required by l aw , leg al processes , or to respond to government al requests or leg al actions .
3 . Business Tr ansfers : In connection with a merger , acquisition , or s ale of all or a portion of our business , where your inform ation m ay be tr ansferred as p art of the tr ans action .
D at a Security : We implement re ason able administr ative , technic al , and physic al me asures to s afegu ard your person al inform ation ag ainst un authorized access , disclosure , alter ation , or destruction . However , no method of tr ansmission over the internet or electronic stor age is completely secure , and we c annot gu ar antee absolute security .
Your Choices and Rights : You h ave the right to :
1 . access and Upd ate : Review and upd ate your person al inform ation by cont acting us .
2 . Opt – Out : Unsubscribe from promotion al communic ations by following the instructions in the em ails we send or cont acting us directly .
3 . D at a Protection Requests : Request the deletion of your person al inform ation , subject to leg al and contr actu al oblig ations .
Children’s Priv acy : Our website and services are not intended for individu als under the age of 13 . We do not knowingly collect or solicit person al inform ation from children . If we become aw are th at we h ave collected person al inform ation from a child without p arent al consent , we will t ake steps to delete such inform ation promptly .
Ch anges to This Policy : We m ay upd ate this Priv acy Policy periodic ally . any ch anges will be posted on this p age with an upd ated effective d ate . Your continued use of our website constitutes accept ance of the revised policy .